“Hello Anatolia,” an acclaimed documentary film, written and directed by Chrysovalantis Stamelos and funded by the Greek America Foundation, is now available to watch online. After working in the corporate…
In light of the upcoming centennial commemoration of the September 1922 destruction of Smyrna, the Greek America Foundation has launched a fundraising project to support an award-winning film’s restoration and…
Thousands of people throughout the world won’t be able to travel to Greece this summer because of restrictions in place and people’s unease about international travel in the wake of…
CultureLatest News
US Ambassador, Greek Foreign Minister Inaugurate Greek-US World War II Exhibition in Athens
An exhibition featuring the private collection of more than 300 historical items from the World War II era opened in Athens, Greece on October 24 at the Hellenic American University…
CultureLatest News
U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt’s Opening Remarks at “Hour of Greece” Exhibition Opening
The Greek America Foundation was honored to have the Honorable Geoffrey Pyatt, United States Ambassador to Greece at the inauguration of “The Hour of Greece” exhibition at the Hellenic American…
An entire episode of Attica TV’s programming was dedicated to “The Hour of Greece” exhibition, which opened at the Hellenic American University in Athens, Greece. The exhibition is comprised of…