Specialized Scholarships

Specialized scholarships allow the Greek America Foundation to further support education in our community and reward deserving students with financial support they deserve and need in order to complete their studies, by allowing families and businesses to name awards on an annual basis.
These scholarships allow members of our community to designate scholarships tailored to their specific educational endeavors. By integrating these scholarships, we are providing an outlet for members of our community to connect and to help each other in our growth as a community overall.
Specialized scholarships are donated by families or individuals based on their interests (educational, geographical, heritage, etc). A scholarship can be a tribute, a testament, or a torch to inspire, memorialize, commemorate or reward.
Your gift is a lasting legacy for Greek America’s future. We are all stakeholders in that legacy. If you have a scholarship you are interested in creating through the Greek America Foundation, please contact us
The Constantine and Patricia Mavroyannis Scholarship

The Constantine and Patricia Mavroyannis Scholarship is open to graduate studentswho are either Greek or of Greek heritage and are enrolled in a PhD program in eithertheoretical physics or physical chemistry in the faculty of science at a North Americanuniversity. The $5,000 scholarship is awarded on an annual basis in the fall semester.
The purpose of the Constantine and Patricia Mavroyannis Scholarship is to recognizethe importance of education. Specifically, it aims to reward and encourage educationalachievement and support Greeks’ contributions to the global scientific community.
The scholarship honors the life and accomplishments of Dr. Constantine Mavroyannis, acareer physicist with the National Research Council of Canada, and his wife Patricia.
To date, 18 scholarships have been awarded, totaling $90,000.
- Katerina Chatziioannou, Montana State University
- Lampros Lamprou, Stanford University
- Fani Dosopoulou, Northwestern University
- Eleni-Alexandra Kontou, Tufts University
- Vasilis Stylianou, University of Southern California
- Christos Tzounis, University of Alberta (Canada)
- Stathis Megas, UCLA
- Anna-Maria Taki, New York University
- Eleana Makri, Wesleyan University
- Georgios Stamokostas, University of Texas (Austin)
- Ioannis Tsiares, McGill University (Canada)
- Marios Galanis, Stanford University
- Georgios Gounaris, University of Pennsylvania
- Elias Kokkas, University of Tennessee (Knoxville)
- Panagiotis Stavropoulos, University of Toronto
- Houri Christina Tarazi, Harvard University
- Konstantinos Roumpedakis, Stony Brook University
- Georgios Styliaris, University of Southern California
Click here to read about 2019 recipients