The Greek America Foundation is excited to offer copies of author Theodore Pitsios’ latest novel “Walking in the Light” in hard and soft cover format.
“Walking the Light,” a newly released novel, tells the story of a Greek ship jumper determined the beat the odds in America during the 20th century.
With his brother’s words permanently etched in his brain, Kostas, a headstrong Greek merchant seaman, jumps ship in America, determined to prove his brother and all others like him wrong.
Though one among the thousands of illegal immigrants pouring into the country, striving to make it while dodging the long tentacles of immigration enforcement, he’s certain that his skill, resourcefulness and Providence will work in his favor.
Make a $20 one-time donation to the foundation and you will receive a copy in the mail as a special thank you gift. Click here to make your donation.
“An immigrant narrative and vivid period piece, this book follows one man’s odyssey as he struggles to redefine the meaning of home.” – Eleni N. Gage, author of “North of Ithaka” and “Ladies of Managua,” among other titles.
“Readers will fall in love with Theodore Pitsios’s Greek merchant seaman, Kostas Karaoglou. Pitsios gives us all the feels, all the dreams, and even all the tastes and smells of the dishes he cooks up in the first year of his life in America.” – Susan Cushman, author of “John and Mary Margaret,” “Friends of the Library” and “Cherry Bomb”
“Once in a blue moon, treasure arrives in the form of a captivating book. THIS is one of those rare treasures. Enrich yourself by reading it!” – Jerry Ellis, author of the Random House Pulitzer Prize-nominated book “Walking the Trail: One Man’s Journey Along the Cherokee Trail of Tears”
About the author
Theodore Pitsios was born in the village of Tsagarada, Greece. After graduating from the Maritime Academy, he sailed as an engineer in the merchant marine for a number of years. Before settling in the U.S. Gulf Coast, Pitsios lived in Nassau, Bahamas, and in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Pitsios is the author of two previous books: “The Bellmaker’s House” and “Searching for Ithaka.” When not traveling, the Greek native splits time between homes in Greece and Orange Beach, Alabama.
For more information, visit his website.